Thursday, February 28, 2008

Memories of an old Hippie
by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan

Hula-hoops were all the rage
and Vietnam was just a baby,
Johnson had just turned that page
the draft was just a maybe.
Penny loafers, saddle shoes
and Manilow sang "Mandy"...
Cuba was in all the news
when Castro looked just dandy!
Hippies were just gettin' high...
and Jane was Barbarella
and Peter had an easy ride
with that Nicholson fella.
The country reeled with sadness
at the assassination
that bred a lotta madness
which spread across the nation.

Copyright ©2008 Cynthia Lynn Buchanan

by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan

Drops of rain like
tiny strings of diamonds,
clinging cold and lifeless
to all the twigs and branches
outside my kitchen window,
in the ghetto,
in my hometown...
each drop so fragile,
glistening in ignorance
of the onslaught of the next
to disrupt its fleeting
resting point,
and send it
to the earth, or...
to splash into a puddle,
individuality forgotten
like the tiny string of diamonds
life is a fleeting memory.

Copyright ©2008 Cynthia Lynn Buchanan

"Brandi, My Angel Princess"

My Love Is A Trip Through Life
by SuzEtruscan

From the earths inner core
throughout this universe of infinity
no element can escape my wonder
my respect and my love
with every perception of my being
I see everywhere my family
From high up in my yards grandfather tree
I ponder the eons above...
I am rocked on my branch
by sweet winds of new spring blossoms

I love my life!
The sun is warm on my face
My love extends from my spot here on earth
to the great macrocosm
air, wind, fire, plants and animals
the whole human race!
I am a hedonist I know carnal and savage
devouring all that I see....
I have no enemies no heartaches
I am a primitive being and I live in the now
bad memories do not haunt me
I am my own commander-in-chief
I am free!
I drive into my night time dreams
any adversity from a wake time row.
It is there that I conquer all that the daytime
might cause me to weep-
I am the master in control
where ever I am is my domain
lions become lambs, monster are kittens
all promotes smiles in my sleep!
In love I fly like the hawk
throughout all existence and back again.


Your Friend
by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan

There's nothing like a friendship,
where two can share their dreams-
Through happiness and hardship,
whichever way life leans.

Even in our loneliness,
even through strife and sorrow-
you know we aren't alone,
friends yesterday and tomorrow.

You can count on me to be here,
to listen and to advise-
to laugh, to learn, to share our tears,
because friendship satisfies.

Even when you're down and out,
even when you're feeling blue-
call me, write me, give a shout,
because I'm always here for you!
Copyright ©2008 Cynthia Lynn Buchanan

To see more of this beautiful
digital art, go to:

Four poems by SuzEtruscan


was invented for creatures such as I
who LOL will simply not suffice
I myself laugh until my gut hurts-
when the peeps are too funny for their shirts!!
For me the queens English just will not do
ROFLMAO is more what happens for Sue

The Day Anna Died I wrote This-

I love my life, my red red life
I don't understand tragedy...
inevitability is everyones rife...
got that!! least I think I see...
but it is a fact if you laugh or cry;
we are silenced by the same knife
by and by we all anyway will die...
Have major fun in your short time space!
Someday we all must must say good by;
I choose to laugh until death is on my face.

Goodby Anna

Rest in peace Beautiful sweetheart
Life was just to hard for Anna Nicole;
she tried so hard to do her part
press used her up and spit out her soul...
No one forget her generous loving heart!
That heart was pierced with an unfixable hole;
her little boys life was much to short-
that vacancy today I see has taken its toll...
Goodby from the earth beautiful sweet heart
Why I Love My Dogs

We have 5 dogs equally loved-
4 are noble intuitive brave loyal German Shepherds,
Damon, Starla, Kohli,and Niki
and one is 13lb adopted neurotic weenie/J.Russel mix
with the traditional Napolean complex, Hans
My Dedication to my little furry brothers and sisters:
Why I Love You
When I wake up with a bangs cowlick no one laughs
When I cry I get a pressing circle of furry hugs
When I laugh you all run in circles squeaking toys
if I am sick you lick me well again
when we hike in the Ca mountains-
I don’t look like Mountain Lion lunch
when you go swimming you shower me too
if I argue too long I get "The look" to shut up already
if you eat something icky
we get extra fresh air from open windows that night
nobody picks on us
more than any other thing though
I know we would all stand
or fall together...
I love you, mom/sistersue

Carvings by Sgatekeeper08

The state of affairs...

Live thee true and live thee well,
There's no words left... yet so much to tell,
The clock is running to it's end,
Future shall not be as the past has been,
Believe NOT your eye, NOR your ear,
The truth is veiled from knowing for fear,
The people live .... yet do not know,
That the life they live is naught.... But show,
Puppets, the people... attached to string,
But frayed, Near to break, giving fall to everything,
The coachman shall be lost and chariot steered in dis-array,
It will be all for naught and far too late for the few, The proud and the brave,
Many a patriot will have their day but sadly, with tear welled eyes and nothing
left to save.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

"The Phoenix of 9/11" by AetherDragon

Searching by WhoaNellie237

Saddened by the deepest feelings,
that have been layed upon me.

Fighting will no longer continue,
and have accepted to be alone.

One way will be seen as the past,
looking forward to the mere.

Willing to accomplish the search,
at this very moment in time.

The Love I hold inside my heart,
shivers with emotional tears.

The overwhelming to accomplish,
for choices cannot lay silent drowning.

So now I lay at my own rest,
seeing none other than my true reflection.

And find a change at life yearning,
to believe and know my truth.

Your Friend

by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan

There's nothing like a friendship,
where two can share their dreams-
Through happiness and hardship,
whichever way life leans.
Even in our loneliness,
even through strife and sorrow-
you know we aren't alone,
friends yesterday and tomorrow.
You can count on me to be here,
to listen and to advise-
to laugh, to learn, to share our tears,
because friendship satisfies.
Even when you're down and out,
even when you're feeling blue-
call me, write me, give a shout,
because I'm always here for you!

Copyright ©2008 Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
A Tribute With Love To SP-4 Jimmy Draper JR
and a dedication to his mother
By SuzEtruscan

Brens Brother has broken my heart
I never got to say hello or good by to him
or thank you my brother... the most important part.
He stands there in uniform smiling in a post by Bren;
handsome young today warrior, proud, a hero, that is Jim.
He went to be a soldier and protect us with his service,
He gladly offered his life to stand for the freedom of our land.
our country called for braves, he heard and he gave his hand.
To all our relations Jims BlackHawk took him home...
It was a good day to die and with honor here he left us,
but see him up there watching in the nighttimes sky glow?
when you miss him look up, the stars appear at dusk-
His name is now written in the sky look- you will see him!
Thank you SP-4 Jimmy Drapper Jr and to your mothers task...
Handsome young today warrior, proud, a hero, that is Jim
Night Flight by SuzEtruscan

In the still of the night
by the moons warm glow light
my heart is carried on the wind
to your libidinous prayer rite
I wait at the lake for you.

I see you there standing watching
heart pumping excitement thumping
swelling knowing ever the welling
this in an instance might not burn but end.
I wait at the lake for you.

My breath comes faster my heart jumping
hunger lives inside me too fearful for telling
I sanction myself no more than a friend
but my concupiscence essence is trumping
I wait at the lake for you.

(c)S.L.B Suzetruscan/Etruscangal
"Light Within Light" by AetherDragon
Light within Light:
•Sit down in silence and ponder what might
separating illusion from those things agreed,
until vision unfolds giving you inner sight
thoughts then form and become as a creed.
•Manifesting answers to questions unasked
with advice that we promptly should heed,
Like a beacon shining on our chosen paths
with a Wisdom that Heart and Soul feeds.
•Revelations will come then with much more
insights, our experience there clearly to see,
when we go deep inside, Light within Light
we touch Source and then stand Peacefully!

"The Journey As A Soul" by AetherDragon
Journey As Soul.
•As we travel across this Matrix of Life,
such wondrous, great things we see...
all these realities of darkness and Light
Outcome which there's no guarantees.
•Our nature is try and understand it all,
An answer for all questions we seek...
Based on our efforts we thus fall short
The experience can make most meek.
•The answers we seek are deep Within,
Knowledge known since times of Old...
Trusting that Source will round it all In,
We then unfold in This Journey As Soul!