Memories of an old Hippie
by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
Hula-hoops were all the rage
and Vietnam was just a baby,
Johnson had just turned that page
the draft was just a maybe.
Penny loafers, saddle shoes
and Manilow sang "Mandy"...
Cuba was in all the news
when Castro looked just dandy!
Hippies were just gettin' high...
and Jane was Barbarella
and Peter had an easy ride
with that Nicholson fella.
The country reeled with sadness
at the assassination
that bred a lotta madness
which spread across the nation.
Copyright ©2008 Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
Drops of rain like
tiny strings of diamonds,
clinging cold and lifeless
to all the twigs and branches
outside my kitchen window,
in the ghetto,
in my hometown...
each drop so fragile,
glistening in ignorance
of the onslaught of the next
to disrupt its fleeting
resting point,
and send it
to the earth, or...
to splash into a puddle,
individuality forgotten
like the tiny string of diamonds
life is a fleeting memory.
Copyright ©2008 Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
"Brandi, My Angel Princess"
My Love Is A Trip Through Life
by SuzEtruscan
From the earths inner core
throughout this universe of infinity
no element can escape my wonder
my respect and my love
with every perception of my being
I see everywhere my family
From high up in my yards grandfather tree
I ponder the eons above...
I am rocked on my branch
by sweet winds of new spring blossoms
by SuzEtruscan
From the earths inner core
throughout this universe of infinity
no element can escape my wonder
my respect and my love
with every perception of my being
I see everywhere my family
From high up in my yards grandfather tree
I ponder the eons above...
I am rocked on my branch
by sweet winds of new spring blossoms
I love my life!
The sun is warm on my face
My love extends from my spot here on earth
to the great macrocosm
air, wind, fire, plants and animals
the whole human race!
I am a hedonist I know carnal and savage
devouring all that I see....
I have no enemies no heartaches
I am a primitive being and I live in the now
bad memories do not haunt me
I am my own commander-in-chief
I am free!
I drive into my night time dreams
any adversity from a wake time row.
It is there that I conquer all that the daytime
might cause me to weep-
I am the master in control
where ever I am is my domain
lions become lambs, monster are kittens
all promotes smiles in my sleep!
In love I fly like the hawk
throughout all existence and back again.
The sun is warm on my face
My love extends from my spot here on earth
to the great macrocosm
air, wind, fire, plants and animals
the whole human race!
I am a hedonist I know carnal and savage
devouring all that I see....
I have no enemies no heartaches
I am a primitive being and I live in the now
bad memories do not haunt me
I am my own commander-in-chief
I am free!
I drive into my night time dreams
any adversity from a wake time row.
It is there that I conquer all that the daytime
might cause me to weep-
I am the master in control
where ever I am is my domain
lions become lambs, monster are kittens
all promotes smiles in my sleep!
In love I fly like the hawk
throughout all existence and back again.
Your Friend
by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
by: Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
There's nothing like a friendship,
where two can share their dreams-
Through happiness and hardship,
whichever way life leans.
where two can share their dreams-
Through happiness and hardship,
whichever way life leans.
Even in our loneliness,
even through strife and sorrow-
you know we aren't alone,
friends yesterday and tomorrow.
even through strife and sorrow-
you know we aren't alone,
friends yesterday and tomorrow.
You can count on me to be here,
to listen and to advise-
to laugh, to learn, to share our tears,
because friendship satisfies.
to listen and to advise-
to laugh, to learn, to share our tears,
because friendship satisfies.
Even when you're down and out,
even when you're feeling blue-
call me, write me, give a shout,
because I'm always here for you!
Copyright ©2008 Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
even when you're feeling blue-
call me, write me, give a shout,
because I'm always here for you!
Copyright ©2008 Cynthia Lynn Buchanan
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